Most engineering firms produce plans that generally look good, and, with enough time and effort, they can usually get the plans approved by reviewing agencies. But can the project be constructed within the client’s time and budget requirements? Carver Engineering has an excellent reputation with reviewing agencies and contractors for producing clean, accurate, detailed plans that can easily be read and constructed properly.
Our primary focus is the design of water, wastewater, roads and stormwater drainage systems for private and municipal clients. We also do a considerable amount of work in septic system design, floodplain studies, sediment & erosion control and slope stabilization.
Over the past 34 years, Carver Engineering has completed more than 1,400 projects.
We produce plans that are clear, detailed and accurate, allowing contractors to give a fair and honest price for the work. Change Orders that increase costs or extend the completion date of a project are rare. Minor changes in, or questions about, the construction of a project are addressed on-site, either directly by one of our inspectors or by a call to the design engineer in their office. The timely response to Contractors questions or concerns eliminates delays in the progress of work.
Contractors have repeatedly told us that Carver Engineering plans are the best they have seen. They enjoy working on our projects because of the quality of the plans and our construction management style.